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The role of a Dental Assistant is to help Dentists and Dental Hygienists carry out the duties of providing quality dental care to individuals as well as providing an environment with sterile equipment and a comfortable setting for the procedures to take place in.

Dental assistants are a valuable resource to the area of dentistry. While they aren’t qualified to perform cleanings or extensive dental procedures, they keep things moving at a steady pace. Their role is often behind the scenes getting everything ready. There are more duties to Dental Assistant than what meets the eye.

Being a Dental Assistant takes a particular type of person. You have to enjoy working with the public. You also have to have confidence in your abilities. A sincere interest in the dental field and helping others are also recommended. Dental Assistants must have excellent communication skills as they are an important part of the patient and dental staff relationship.

Dental Assistants generally review the medical history with the patient and help them feel comfortable prior to procedures taking place. The often explain what the procedure entails and what will be taking place. The Dental Assistant will be present during the procedure to assist either the Hygienist or the Dentist. During the procedure, the Dental Assistant will clear out the patient’s mouth, adjust the chair, move the lights, and anything else that can make the experience better for the patient. After the procedure the Dental Assistant will explain follow up treatment to the patient as well as provide the patient will information to assist in the healing process.

A Dental Assistant has to know how to prioritize their time to ensure all their duties are taken care of. One of the most important duties of a Dental Assistant is proper cleaning of all the dental tools. They must be properly sanitized. Each tool needs to be examined to ensure it is still usable. Dental assistants must also know what tools and equipment each dental procedure requires. This allows them to set up tool kits to have at the dental station prior to a procedure being done.

Dentists and Dental Hygienists depend on the Dental Assistant being alert and prepared during all dental procedures. They want to have all the necessary tools at their fingertips for easy access and to allow them to remain concentrated on the patient and the procedure they are performing. In some states, Dental Hygienists are allowed to administer local anesthetics to prepare the patient for their procedures.

A very important role of the Dental Assistant is to monitor the patient during the procedure. This may involve taking their vital signs. Other signs to watch for include changes in breathing patterns, disorientation, and a glazed look in the eyes. All of these can indicate an emergency situation. Patients may have an allergic reaction to the anesthetic or suffer a medical ailment such as a heart attack.

Dental Assistants need to be prepared for such emergencies to arise and react calmly and quickly. It is important that every Dental Assistant is trained in CPR. They should also have emergency phone numbers in place if the need arises. It is the responsibility of the Dental Assistant and other staff to do all they can for the patient until proper medical help arrives. Doing so can make the difference between life and death.

The role of Dental Assistant involves wearing many hats. For those in the profession, they often enjoy having a variation in their daily routine. They love working with people as well as working in the dental profession. Being an effective Dental Assistant involves willingness to continuing learning. It requires a positive attitude and attention to details. The best Dental Assistants are those who know how to effectively communicate with the patients and the staff they work with. This is a great career for those who feel they can handle the ongoing needs that are placed in their hands.

How many of you had the experience growing up of being told in various ways to limit yourselves from being all you can be? The movie “The Incredibles” is a wonderful metaphor for this. In this movie, the superheroes – the people with extraordinary powers – are restricted from using their powers.

inspiration, coaching, self improvement, counseling, goals, motivation, innovation, positive thinking

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How many of you had the experience growing up of being told in various ways to limit yourselves from being all you can be? The movie “The Incredibles” is a wonderful metaphor for this. In this movie, the superheroes – the people with extraordinary powers – are restricted from using their powers.

When I was growing up, I was not supported in being all I could be. “Boys don’t like smart girls,” “People will be jealous of you.” I learned to hide good grades and talents, for fear others would be threatened. If I wanted to “fit in,” I needed to be like everyone else. Being extraordinary was considered “weird.”

In the movie, the superheroes are finally allowed to use their powers because they are needed to save the planet. This, too, is a metaphor. We are each extraordinary in our own ways, and this planet needs each of us to fully express our gifts and talents. We need extraordinary people to step up to the plate to guide us away from fear, greed and manipulation and into caring, compassion, and personal responsibility. Fortunately, many more young people today are encouraged to be all they can be.

At the end of the movie, a horrible monster arises from the earth, saying something like, “We are the underminers. We undermine happiness, peace and joy. We are always beneath you.”

Who are the underminers?

Underminers are both within and without.

Outer underminers are those people who do not have your highest good at heart. They are the people who want to use you, blame you, manipulate and control you, and try to limit you. They are the people who are threatened by you being all you can be. They are the people who want you to care-take them rather than take responsibility for yourself. These people can be family, friends, or co-workers – anyone in your life who does not support you in being all you can be. It is sad and lonely when the people who say they care about you, instead do all they can to control and limit you.

However, as adults it is the inner underminers who cause the most damage. The inner underminers are the wounded parts of ourselves that hold our limiting beliefs – the lies we learned about ourselves, others, and God. These underminers shout lies to us that cause our fears and anxieties and keep us from fully manifesting all that we are.

Paul is a very competent man, yet every time he gets a new idea of something he wants to do with his work and his life, his underminer says, “You can’t do it. You will fail.” His underminer keeps him immobilized and “safe.”

Julia is a talented writer, yet has never submitted her writing for publication. Whenever she starts to move toward submitting her writing, her underminer shouts, “No one will listen to you. No one wants to read what you write.”

For a long time, Joanna has wanted to leave her job and go back to school for further training. Yet whenever she contemplates this, her underminer sneaks in with the lie that stops her every time: “If you leave your job, you will never find another one. God will not support you in doing what you want to do.”

Robert is unhappy in his relationship. His girlfriend, Marian, just wants to be taken care of. She is often very angry at Robert when he wants to spend time with friends or even time alone, and does not support him in what brings him joy. She is an underminer, yet it is his inner underminer that keeps him from leaving. “You will end up alone and be more miserable than you are now.”

Suzanne was the “smart one” in her family, while her sister was the “pretty one.” Her parents undermined her by telling her over and over that she needed to learn to take care of herself because no man would want her. Now, a successful and attractive woman, Suzanne’s underminer constantly tells her, “You will always be alone. You are not meant to have a relationship.” Because of her underminer, Suzanne approaches relationships with a chip on her shoulder, creating the rejection she is hoping to avoid.

“You can’t.” “You will fail.” “You are inadequate.” “Who do you think you are?” “You will end up alone.” “You are ugly.” “You are alone – God does not exist.” “Spirit will not support you because you are not good enough.”

The underminer – undermining your happiness, peace and joy. Why not be a superhero and stop listening to the underminer?

Buying a good paddle is as important as buying a good kayak. There are many different paddles to choose from.

canoe, canoes, kayak, kayaks, sports, outdoors, boating, boats, watersports, watersport

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Buying a good paddle is as important as buying a good kayak. There are many different paddles to choose from.

When you are shopping for kayak equipment and accessories, a paddle should be among the first things that you buy. Carlisle kayak paddles are one of the best brands you can get. They are built for several types of kayak adventures. It is easy to find one that works for you.

Recreational Paddles

Carlisle builds recreational paddles in three styles. All three are specifically designed and perfect for recreational use.

The Tripper model is an entry level paddle with a special grip for beginners.

The RS Magic is a standard paddle for recreation. It works for any age and any kayaking skill level and is available in glass or lightweight anodized aluminum.

The RS Magic 2 is made especially for women and children. It is shorter and designed for the average body size. The slightly-spooned design produces smooth and powerful paddling.

White Water Paddles

Magic White Water is Carlisle Designs only whitewater paddle. This paddle is suited for beginners but still strong enough for experts to take into that exciting white water!

All of these various paddle types are perfect for any kayaker. It is easy to find the paddle that is best for your needs right here! Don't forget that the paddles are in some ways more important than the kayak. Without a good paddle, your boat becomes less useful. Good paddles cut the water better so that the kayak is more able to glide smoothly through the water. Get the most from your kayak and make sure that you buy top-notch paddles that your kayak deserves.

Carlisle has built a sleek line of paddles for all levels of boaters and every kind of use. When you buy your kayak, keep in mind how you are planning to use it. You should do the same thing when you are deciding which paddles to buy. This will help you ensure that you get the best paddles for your kayaking style.

Time is our greatest and most precious asset. Time is the great equalizer of all us human beings. Why then do we not recognize and treat it with the respect it deserves?

Paula Gregorowicz Success Coach, Philadelphia, burnout,success, achievement,feel free,avoid burnout,effectiveness,productivity,freedom,authentic,courage,results,women business owners,lesbian business

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Time is our greatest and most precious asset. Time is the great equalizer of all us human beings. Why then do we not recognize and treat it with the respect it deserves?

Whether you are rich, poor, healthy, ill, or just humming along in your life somewhere in between, we all have only 24 hours in each and every day to invest wisely. We often spend a great deal of time and energy thinking and worrying about, or working to earn and pursuing more money. However, while we are doing that, sometimes we are missing the greatest gift of all - our time to experience our lives. A wise teacher once said to me, "You can always get more money but you can never buy more time." Good point!

How often do we consciously think about how we invest our time? I consciously use the word invest because the way we choose to spend out time is truly an investment in ourselves and our lives.

Based on my observations over the last several decades on this planet, however, you would never guess the true value of this time commodity by the way people act and speak.

First, let's look at the common ways people dishonor time with their actions. Do any of these choices look familiar?
- Spending hours in front of the TV.
- Sacrificing a healthy amount of regular sleep in an attempt to steal more time. (You may be awake for more hours, however being in a fog and loaded up on caffeine does not translate into quality or "more time".)
- Working ineffectively and/or spending so much time at a job that you have in effect handed over your life to someone else.
- Existing in a state of stressed out or burned out.
- Spending hours aimlessly surfing the internet.
- Participating in gossip or the rumor mill.

Now, let's take a look at the language we use when we discuss our precious friend, time. Do any of these comments look familiar?
- I wish it were Friday already! (usually spoken from a Monday through Thursday point of view)
- I'm just wasting time; or, this is a waste of time.
- I have some time to kill
- I'll get to enjoy my time when I retire.
- I'm just counting the hours until the end of the day, or the days until the weekend, retirement, etc.

So, how often do you wish away your life? How often do you let time simply pass you buy?

While it may sound cliché, the phrase Carpe Diem has a great deal of merit. It means, seize the day. I can still remember my first real experience with this term when Robin Williams challenged his young students in the movie Dead Poet's Society to do just that - seize the day. He used it as a call to arms where every student in his class should make each day a day that was truly explored and lived fully.

A Challenge for You

Do you know where all your time goes each day? What parts of your life are most important to you? Are those the parts of your life that receive the greatest amount of your time and attention? Or, do you find yourself doing the same things today that you did yesterday simply because that is what you did the day before that?

For the next month, take stock of where your time and your life go. At the end of each day, write down the number of hours spent in each of the main areas of your life. An example of what those main categories might look like could be:

Areas of My Life
Physical Health & Well-Being
Primary Relationship, Spouse, Significant Other
Friends, Family, Children, Relationships
Finances and Money
Physical Surroundings (home, work, etc.)
Spirituality (connecting with a power greater than yourself)
Fun and Relaxation
Making a Difference in your Community and the World

After the month passes, total up the hours spent in each category and reflect back on how you spent your time. Did "reality" surprise you? Or, was it what you expected? How does the way you invest your time on a daily basis make you feel? Is it in alignment with your values and what you really want from your life?

Take some time to take stock in how you invest your most precious asset - time. Remember, tomorrow is promised to no one. Carpe Diem.

There are so many wonderful motorcycle accessories to choose from, you definitely can make your bike look original, even if it is one of thousands that are designed exactly the same when you purchase it. Some motorcycle accessories are optional and some you need to purchase without exception.

Safety accessories are something you should invest your money the day you purchase a motorcycle or before. If you can’t afford the safety equipment, then you don’t need the bike! You will need to purchase a good quality helmet that fits you properly. You can get one customized to match your bike if you like. They are available in a variety of colors and designs so you won’t have any problem finding one that suits your style.

There are other motorcycle accessories that you can purchase if you like for safety, but they aren’t mandatory. Full riding suits that are flame resistant and very protective are a great option. You will find sunglasses, goggles, gloves, knee pads, chaps, and more. Many of these safety accessories will make riding your motorcycle more comfortable. It is a good idea to purchase some rain gear as well.

Do you plan to travel a great deal on your motorcycle? How do you plan to carry your necessities? There are many motorcycle accessories to choose from to take care of this for you. For short trips, consider purchasing a motorcycle back pack. There are also a variety of leather pouches and travel gear that attach to your motorcycle. Many of them are removable so you can easily add them when you travel.

Riding your motorcycle is supposed to be enjoyable, so make sure you are comfortable. My husband finally got the dream bike he had always wanted only to discover that the seat was uncomfortable when riding it for more than an hour. We invested a couple hundred dollars in a custom seat so that he could get more enjoyment out of the bike. If you often have a passenger on your motorcycle, consider installing a back rest bar. An additional set of foot pegs on the front of your motorcycle can help you stay comfortable as well on a long ride. They are perfect for stretching out.

There are also a variety of motorcycle accessories to help you customize the look of your motorcycle. Decals are very common, and they are quite simple to put on. Choose from stripes, flames, and many other great designs. You may decide to have a custom design painted onto your motorcycle rather than using decals. There are also a variety of chrome pieces you can replace standard ones on your bike with.

Deciding on the right accessories for your motorcycle is going to take some time. Look at the options available as well as the quality of the brand you are looking at. In most cases, you are better off saving your money to purchase quality accessories rather than paying less for poor quality. It can be fun customizing your motorcycle to your own personal look. Just don’t forget to invest in those important safety accessories first.

You can purchase motorcycle accessories anywhere that sells motorcycles. You can also request catalogs from motorcycle manufacturers. The internet also offers you the chance to look at thousands of styles of motorcycle accessories to choose from.

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